Island - krajina ľadu a ohňa plná mnohých kontrastov
Iceland - the Land of Ice and Fire full of contrasts
Velkomin til Íslands
“This is the only place where I feel completely free. Alone with my thoughts, quietness indeed.”
Prvé čo
napíšem je, že sa mi splnil jeden z mojich cestovateľských snov, Island
naplnil moje očakávania do bodky a nesklamal . Island bol mojim pomaturitným
darčekom ,ktorý som si vybrala keďže cestovanie a Island milujem ♥ (zmaturované na samé 1 :) ) Každému odporúčam vidieť z tejto
krajiny čo najviac -každý vodopád, národný park, lávové pole či gejzír.
Islandská vlajka :
Islandská vlajka :
Modrá s červeným krížom ohraničeným bielou.
Farby vlajky sú symbolické pre Island :
- červená - sopečné ohne
- biela - pripomína sneh a ľadovce
- modrá - symbolizuje oblohu
Severská atmosféra
na okraji polárneho kruhu očarí každého a dostane sa pod kožu každému
cestovateľovi v priebehu sekundy. Ráznosť akou disponujú títo hrdí potomkovia
bájnych Vikingov. Neveľký národ o počte 330 000 (7% krajiny tvoria cudzinci) , z čoho takmer 2/3 žije v
najsevernejšom hlavnom meste sveta Reykjavík.
Je to domov niektorých najväčšívh ľadovcov v Europe , najaktívnejších sopiek na svete ,taktiež je Island krajina svetla a tmy , kde dlhé letné dni s takmer 24hodinovým svetlom sú nahradené krátkymi zimnými dňami .
Na Islande
sa nachádza 130 sopiek, nespočetné množstvo vodopádov a 800 horúcich prameňov,
ktoré sú neskutočnými ukážkami sily matky prírody.
Od machom porastených lávových polí na juhozápade, cez pusté vysočiny v strede, na stúpajúce fjordy na severozápade, cesta okolo Islandu Vás presvedčí o veľkej rozmanitosti krajiny, ktorá sa mení s každou zákrutou na ceste, a samozrejme s každým meniacim sa ročnom období, z ktorých každé má svoje vlastné kúzlo.
Od machom porastených lávových polí na juhozápade, cez pusté vysočiny v strede, na stúpajúce fjordy na severozápade, cesta okolo Islandu Vás presvedčí o veľkej rozmanitosti krajiny, ktorá sa mení s každou zákrutou na ceste, a samozrejme s každým meniacim sa ročnom období, z ktorých každé má svoje vlastné kúzlo.
krajina ,kde sa termálne pramene prelínajú s ľadovcom, machom obrastené zelené
kopce s pustými sopečnými krátermi, kde si môžete užiť dlhé dni, ale aj
dni s pár hodinami svetla.
Určite by
som na Island nešla s očakávaním letnej dovolenky, pretože aj zdanlivo slnečný
deň nevylučuje, že do večera nebudete potrebovať zimnú výbavu. Vďaka Golfskému prúdu,sa Island teší chladnému počasiu s mierne prímorským podnebím; osviežujúce letá a pomerne mierne zimy. Ak Vám počasie
- počkajte 10 minút, ono sa zmení
- bude aj horšie
The first thing I want to write is that I fulfilled one of my travel dreams, Iceland fulfilled my expectations and even more than I expected and I wasn´t disappointed .Iceland was my graduation gift that I choose because I love travelling and Iceland ♥ (I passed the leaving exams on the A´s )
I recommend to everyone to see how much is possible from this country - each waterfall , national park , lava fields and geysir.
National Flag:
Blue with a red cross outlined in white
The colors of the flag are symbolic for Iceland
-red is for the volcanic fires
National Flag:
Blue with a red cross outlined in white
The colors of the flag are symbolic for Iceland
-red is for the volcanic fires
-white recalls the snow and glaciers
-blue is for the skies above
Nordic atmosphere on th edge of the Arctic Circle enchant everyone and gets under the skin of every traveler in second . Vigor which dispose these proud descendants of mythical Vikings . Modest nation of the number 330 000(7% consists of foreigners) of which nearly two thirds live in the most northern capital of world in Reykjavík.
Its home to the largest glaciers in Europe, and some of the most active volcanoes in the world. Iceland is also the land of light and darkness, where long summer days with near 24-hours of sunlight are offset by short winter days.
In Iceland there are 130 volcanoes , countless amount of waterfalls and 800 hot springs that are display of the power of Mother Nature .
From the moss covered lava fields in the southwest, through the barren highlands in the centre, to the soaring fjords in the northwest, a drive around Iceland will attest to the great diversity of landscape, which changes with every turn in the road, and of course with every changing season, each with its own charm.
Iceland , the country where thermal springs overlap with glaciers , lava fields overgrown with mossy hills ;where you can enjoy long days ,but also days with few hours of daylight .
I certainly would not to go to Iceland with the expectation of summer vacation , because even seemingly sunny day does not exclude that in the evening you will not need winter gear . Thanks to the Gulf Stream, Iceland enjoys a cool, temperate maritime climate; refreshing summers and fairly mild winters.
If the weather is not by your expectation then
January 0,4
March 3,1
May 6,3
June 10,7
July 12,5
August 12,3
October 4,4
December 1,2
Nordic atmosphere on th edge of the Arctic Circle enchant everyone and gets under the skin of every traveler in second . Vigor which dispose these proud descendants of mythical Vikings . Modest nation of the number 330 000(7% consists of foreigners) of which nearly two thirds live in the most northern capital of world in Reykjavík.
Its home to the largest glaciers in Europe, and some of the most active volcanoes in the world. Iceland is also the land of light and darkness, where long summer days with near 24-hours of sunlight are offset by short winter days.
In Iceland there are 130 volcanoes , countless amount of waterfalls and 800 hot springs that are display of the power of Mother Nature .
From the moss covered lava fields in the southwest, through the barren highlands in the centre, to the soaring fjords in the northwest, a drive around Iceland will attest to the great diversity of landscape, which changes with every turn in the road, and of course with every changing season, each with its own charm.
Iceland , the country where thermal springs overlap with glaciers , lava fields overgrown with mossy hills ;where you can enjoy long days ,but also days with few hours of daylight .
I certainly would not to go to Iceland with the expectation of summer vacation , because even seemingly sunny day does not exclude that in the evening you will not need winter gear . Thanks to the Gulf Stream, Iceland enjoys a cool, temperate maritime climate; refreshing summers and fairly mild winters.
If the weather is not by your expectation then
- wait 10minutes , it will probably change
- It will be worse
January 0,4
March 3,1
May 6,3
June 10,7
July 12,5
August 12,3
October 4,4
December 1,2
Len 4 hodiny letecky vzdialený štát, pri ktorého návšteve má nejeden pocit, že práve pristál na povrchu Mesiaca (v 60. rokoch prebiehal práve na Islande lunárny tréning posádky kozmonautov amerického Apolla)
Only four hours by airplane distanced country on which has many feel that just landed on the moon (in the 60s took place precisely in Iceland Astronauts training of the crew of the US Apollo) Na letisku nás už čakal môj ujo a cesta do Reykjavíku začala.
Reykjavík - na tomto mieste vybudoval svoju farmu prvý osadník .Meno “Dymová zátoka” dostal podľa stúpajúcich stĺpov pary, z vyvierajúcich horúcich prameňov v tejto oblasti.
At the airport my uncle was waiting
for us and the way to Reykjavík began.
Reykjavík - here built settler his first farm .
The name "Smoky Bay" was given because
of rising steam from hot springs in this area. )
for us and the way to Reykjavík began.
Reykjavík - here built settler his first farm .
The name "Smoky Bay" was given because
of rising steam from hot springs in this area. )
Predtým než sme sa ubytovali sme zašli pozrieť aj dom prezidenta Bessastaðir ,ktorý sa nachádza neďaleko Reykjavíku.
Before we go to bed we went to the president Bessastaðir house, which is located near Reykjavik.
sochu od Einara Jónssona s názvom" the outlaw" .
dobre si už nepamätám príbeh ,tak ospravedlňte nejaké chyby.
vyhnancovi ,ktorý sa skrýval a jeho manželka ho nechcela udať - keď prišli za
ňou a pýtali sa kde je jej muž a že jej dajú celý mešec peňazí ,zobrala mešec a
trafila ho s ním po líci s tým ,že ako si mohol myslieť ,že zradí svojho
manžela. Neskôr ju zabili a vyhnanec sa rozhodol odísť a zobral si len to
najcennejšie a čo potreboval - manželku ,dieťa , lopatu (aby mohol ženu
pochovať) a vlka.
A sculpture by Einar Jónsson called "The Outlaw".
Well I do not remember the story, so excuse any mistakes.
About the outlaw who was hiding and his wife did not want to betrayed him - when guards came to her and asked where is her husband and when she tell it ,they give to her pouch full of money; she took a pouch and striked one man from guards on the cheek with that, and tell : " as you might have guessed, that I will betrayed my husband. "Later, she was killed and he decided to leave and he took only the most valuable items and what you need - a wife, a child, a shovel (to be able to bury a woman) and wolf.
About the outlaw who was hiding and his wife did not want to betrayed him - when guards came to her and asked where is her husband and when she tell it ,they give to her pouch full of money; she took a pouch and striked one man from guards on the cheek with that, and tell : " as you might have guessed, that I will betrayed my husband. "Later, she was killed and he decided to leave and he took only the most valuable items and what you need - a wife, a child, a shovel (to be able to bury a woman) and wolf.
Najvyššia budova krajiny a futuristická dominanta „Dymovej zátoky“ kostol Halgrímkirskja bol navrhnutý architektom Guðjónom Samuelssonom. Monument dvíhajúci sa zo zeme ako 5 hranná čadičová hornina sopečného pôvodu ponúka zo svojej veže panorámu Reykjaviku ,ktorá stojí za to .
Pred kostolom sa týči socha Leifa Erikssona (970 – 1020), ktorý bol v Amerike pred Kolumbom .
Cena : dospelý/dieťa 700/100 Isk
The tallest building in the country and futuristic landmark of "Smoky Bay " Halgrímkirskja church was designed by state architect Guðjón Samúelsson. Monument lifting from the earth as 5 hexagonal basalt rock of volcanic origin offers from its tower panorama of Reykjavik, which is worth it.
Front of the church towering statue of Leif Eriksson (970 - 1020), who was in America before Columbus.
Cost: adult/child Isk700/100
Front of the church towering statue of Leif Eriksson (970 - 1020), who was in America before Columbus.
Cost: adult/child Isk700/100
Vedľa kostolu sa nachádza Múzeum Einara Jónssona so záhradou, kde sú jeho jedinečné sochy (bronzové odliatky) s rôznymi príbehmi . (záhradu môžte navštíviť zadarmo celoročne)
Beside the church is a museum of Einar Jónsson with a garden whereare his unique sculptures (bronze castings) with different stories. (You can visit the garden for free year-round) .
Islandská architektúra je pomerne jednoduchá a veľkú časť centra Reykjavíku tvoria nízke plechové domy.
Icelandic architecture is relatively simple and a large part of the center of Reykjavik consists of low tin houses. Je tu taktiež nádherná koncertná hala Harpa - sídlo filharmónie. A sa vydáte na najvyššie poschodie je tu vonkajšia terasa s krásnym výhľadom cez Reykjavícky prístav Hafn a horu Esja na severe .Je akousi sklenenou fatamorgánou vynárajúcou sa z vôd Atlantického oceánu. Dokonalá hra ostrých svetelných lúčov, čo prenikajú naprieč početnými „bazaltovými“ stĺpmi, ktorá v roku 2013 zaslúžene získala európsku cenu Miesa van der Rohe za súčasnú architektúru.Veď posúďte sami :
There is also a wonderful concert hall Harpa - home to the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra. If you head up to the higher levels there is an outdoor terrace with stunning view across Reykjavík´s harbour Hafn and Mount Esja to the north . Is a kind of glassy mirage emerging from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean; which in 2013, deservedly won the European prize Mies van der Rohe for the current architecture. The perfect game of sharp light rays, which penetrate across numerous "basalt" columns. What do you think ?
Mount Esja
The Sun Voyager (Solfar) socha Jóna Gunnara Árnasona sa nachádza neďaleko od Harpy na Faxafloi Bay . The Sun Voyager je podľa umelca vysnená loď , óda na slnko, a obsahuje v sebe prísľub o neobjavenom území a sen o nádeji,pokroku a slobode. Je vyrobená z nerezovej ocele na podložke z lešteneje žuly , čo odráža jej ladné krivky.
A short
walk from Harpa, on Faxaflói Bay, you’ll find the Sun Voyager, a
sculpture by Jón Gunnar Árnason. The Sun Voyager is by the artist, “to be
a dreamboat, an ode to the sun, and contains within itself the promise of
undiscovered territory and a dream of hope, progress and freedom”. It’s made of
stainless steel and sits on a base of polished granite which reflects its
graceful curves.
Počas nášho výletu sme zažili asi aj najteplejšie islandské leto - stihlo
ma aj spáliť (čo človek veľmi neočakáva z dovolenky na Islande :D ) Samozrejme
na ľahko tu aj tak nechoďte , ja som mala vždy pri sebe sveter,nepremokavú
bundu a šál aj tak som párkrát mrzla a inokedy som ľutovala ,že som si
nedala kraťase.
Vidieť niekoho s dáždnikom je aj pre domácich komickou záležitosťou kvôli
silnému vetru, ten si brať určite nemusíte :D Určite nerátajte s tým veď doma
je 30° ,keď tu je 15° a fúka silný vietor (summer not summer ) a vyberte
zimné veci alebo vrstvite a vrstvite :)
See someone with an umbrella is mainly for domestic comic situation due to strong winds, so you do not need to take an umbrella with you: D Certainly not counting that in your home country is 30 ° when there is 15 degrees and the wind is blowing (summer not summer) and select winter things or layers and layers :)
Golden Triangle ste v súvislosti s Islandom pravdepodobne počuli ,ak nie jedná sa o najpopulárnejší 300km turistický okruh ,kde zažijete 3 sily islandskej prírody - Gullfoss (kráľovná islandských vodopádov často korunovaná dúhou) ,geotermálnu oblasť voňajúca sírou (aktívny gejzír Strokkur) a Þingvellir národný park(UNESCO) ,ktorý má geologický ,ale aj historický význam.
During our trip we experienced probably the warmest Icelandic summer -the sun little bit burn my skin on shoulder and face (what one really does not expected from a vacation in Iceland: D) Of course do not go on trip with thin clothes, I have always with me a sweater, waterproof jacket and scarf and sometimes was really cold a few times and sometimes I regretted that I do not have shorts right now.See someone with an umbrella is mainly for domestic comic situation due to strong winds, so you do not need to take an umbrella with you: D Certainly not counting that in your home country is 30 ° when there is 15 degrees and the wind is blowing (summer not summer) and select winter things or layers and layers :)
Golden Triangle ste v súvislosti s Islandom pravdepodobne počuli ,ak nie jedná sa o najpopulárnejší 300km turistický okruh ,kde zažijete 3 sily islandskej prírody - Gullfoss (kráľovná islandských vodopádov často korunovaná dúhou) ,geotermálnu oblasť voňajúca sírou (aktívny gejzír Strokkur) a Þingvellir národný park(UNESCO) ,ktorý má geologický ,ale aj historický význam.
Golden Triangle - in connection with Iceland is possible that you heard about it ,if not its popular 300km tourist circuit ,where you will experience 3 forces of icelandic nature - Gullfoss( the Queen of Iceland´s waterfall often crowned with a rainbow) , geothermal area smelling by sulfur (active geyisr Strokkur) and the UNESCO World Heritage listed Thingvellir National Park ,which has geological and historical significance . - Geysir
Po celom Islande nájdete miesta páchnuce sírou zahalené v hmle obklopené bublajúcim bahnom ,ktoré sú pripomienkou aktivity pod povrchom .
In Iceland you will find a lot of places smelly sulfur shrouded in fog surrounded by bubbling mud, it is a reminder of activity below the surface.
In Iceland you will find a lot of places smelly sulfur shrouded in fog surrounded by bubbling mud, it is a reminder of activity below the surface.
Toto všetko uvidíte na viacerých miestach po Islande ,ale toto miesto má ešte stále aktívny gejzír - týto miestom je Haukadalur, Na tomto mieste sa nachádza Veľký gejzír (Great Geysir) ,podľa ktorého boli pomenované všetky ostatné ( starý Great Geysir už nestrieka ) ;taktiež aj Litli Geysir a Strokkur (17metrový gejzír , ktorý strieka každých 5-8minút )
All this you will see in many places in Iceland, but on this place is still active geyser - this place is Haukadalur . At this place is located a large geyser (Great Geysir), by which were named all the other (old Great Geysir is not active ); there is also Litli Geysir and Strokkur (17-meters high geyser that sprays every 5-8 minutes)
- Þingvellir national park
(vyslovovať Thingvellir)
Jeden z 3 národných parkov na Islande.
Pre Islanďanov aj politicky dôležitá lokalita - zasadalo tu totiž v roku
930 prvé islandské zákonodarné zhromaždenie,ktoré trvalo do roku 1798 .
Þingvellir je tiež chránený ako
národný park vďaka svojim jedinečným geologickým a prírodným prvkom. Celá oblasť je súčasťou trhliny ktorá sa tiahne Islandom (môžte vidieť na obrázku) a kde sa
stretávajú litosférické dosky Eurázie a Ameriky. Táto trhlina sa rozširuje každý rok o niekoľko milimetrov . Almannagjá je kaňon vytvorený medzi dvoma tektonických dosiek,
One of the three national parks in Iceland.For Icelanders also politically important location - the oldest existing parliament in the world first assembled there in 930 AD , which lasted here until the 1798.
Besides being a location of historical significance, Þingvellir is also protected as a national park due to its unique geology and natural features.
The whole area is part of the crack that stretches through the island (you can see in the picture) and where the lithospheric plates of Eurasia and America meet . This crack is expanding annually by a few millimeters.
(Pronounced Thingvellir)One of the three national parks in Iceland.For Icelanders also politically important location - the oldest existing parliament in the world first assembled there in 930 AD , which lasted here until the 1798.
Besides being a location of historical significance, Þingvellir is also protected as a national park due to its unique geology and natural features.
The whole area is part of the crack that stretches through the island (you can see in the picture) and where the lithospheric plates of Eurasia and America meet . This crack is expanding annually by a few millimeters.
Öxarárfoss waterfall
- Gullfoss
Takmer každá menšia obec či mesto má plaváreň, kde je okrem plaveckého bazéna aj termálny sedací bazén, mnohokrát aj klasická či parná sauna a tobogán. V bazénoch sa nepoužíva chlór, takže sa veľký dôraz kladie na hygienu a čistotu. Pred vstupom do bazéna je každý povinný sa dôkladne osprchovať bez plaviek. Upozorňujú vás na to obvykle nápisy, ale aj nákresy s vyznačenými miestami na tele, ktorým máte pri umývaní venovať zvýšenú pozornosť.V populárnej reykjavíckej plavárni Laugardalslaug je pri sprchách dokonca presklenná vitrína, kde sedí zamestnankyňa a z diaľky dohliada, či ste sa osprchovali bez plaviek. Ak nie, dôrazne vás upozorní.
(takže pri návšteve tejto plavárne nerobte problémy ako ja :D čo som tam bola stretla som sa iba s poľskými zamestnankyňami ,ktoré mi po anglicky vedeli odpovedať : yes .... no .... shampoo :D takže ponaučenie pre Vás shampoo je mydlo ,ktorá sa tam určite nachádza vo vašej blízkosti + pred aj po ;) )
Almost every little town and village has a swimming pool, which is in addition to the swimming pool and thermal sitting pool, and often classical or steam room, and a water slide. Chlorine is not used in swimming pools , so thats why is great emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness. Before entering the pool is each required to properly take a shower without swimwear. It lets you know usually signs, but also drawings with marked points on the body that you have to pay more attention when washing. Here si also even glazed display cabinet, which sits worker and supervised from a distance, whether you take a shower without swimwear and wash well . If not, she will warn you and sent you back to wash .
(So that when you visit the swimming pool do not make problems like me: D What I was there I met only with Polish workers who do not know english well ; her answers were : yes .... no shampoo ....: D so the lesson for you shampoo is a soap, which is certainly near you + before and after ;) )
Tak to je na dnes všetko :) Behom týždňa dodám ďalší článok :)
So that's all for today :) During the week, I will add another article :)
Travel to Iceland to experience the stunning Icelandic nature, the beauty of the rugged landscape and the creativity of the Icelandic people.
Come to Iceland to enjoy the culture.
Let Iceland be your inspiration.
(I am sorry for my english )